Sunday, July 7, 2013

Myths of Kulautuva, Lithuania

The legend about The Stone of Jonučiai Princess

About this stone there is a legend that in ancient times lived the king of Žemaičiai in Kulautuva. Once the land was attacked by cruel enemies. They were burning farmhouses, killing people and robbing their property. All women and men, even children, went to defend their land against the enemies. Just the princess of Jonučiai with her beloved boy secretly ran away and hid in the forest.
When the king learnt about that, he became very angry and started to ask his powerful gods by saying:
-The daughter who does not appreciate her country is unhappy. By the name of the gods I forsake her and curse her forever. The Mighty Thunder, punish her!
At the same time in the forest next to the spring of Narėpai was standing the princess and she turned into the stone. She stayed there reminding that everybody has to protect their country.
This stone is also amazing, because people who sometimes walk in the forest clearly can see that The Stone of the Princess is really there. But sometimes the stone disappears and it is impossible to find it.

The Stream of Narėpai

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